

A loan of $1,400 helps to purchase bags of raw kava to prepare and sell fresh kava juice.



Leibunua's story

Leibunua, sixty-six, is a married mother of two adult children. She resides with her husband in a rural community, which is roughly seventeen minutes from town. Her husband is employed at an ice-cream factory, and she sells fresh kava juice to earn money.

Her husband inspired her to start this business to assist her family with finances. Her dream is to purchase a piece of land. Her current objective is to increase her juice supply to meet customer demand. However, she faces financial constraints.

Leibunua is requesting a loan to pay for bags of raw kava. The income from her business will be used to pay for household needs and save for future investments. Through this funding, she is empowered to grow her business and provide quality service to her customers.

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