

A loan of $875 helps to pay for bags of raw kava to prepare and sell kava juice.



Dorah's story

Dorah, 40, is an active, business-minded married mother of four, ages 20, 15, 9 and 2. Her husband is a seasonal worker. She lives with her family in a rural area, which is about 13 minutes from town. Two of her children attend school, and she sells fresh kava juice to make ends meet.

Dorah launched her business four years ago, with the aim to meet her family's basic household necessities. Her dream is to purchase land and construct a permanent house for her family. She currently plans to increase her juice supply to match customer demand. However, she is unable to achieve her goal due to financial constraints.

Dorah is requesting a loan to purchase bags of raw kava. With profits from her business, she will pay for household essentials, cover her children's school fees, and save for the future. Through this loan, she is empowered to grow her business and ensure a better future for her family.

Thankyou for lending to support Dorah!

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