

A loan of $1,500 helps to pay for cooking ingredients and housing materials.



Leivok's story

Leivok, 43, is a devoted and resilient mother of three children, one of whom is enrolled in school. Her family lives in an urban neighborhood with a 12-minute commute to town. She is now the only one who can support their children because her spouse has passed away. Ever since, she has made money by selling meals prepared at home.

She has been in this business for 6 years now with the aim of meeting her family's day-to-day needs. Her dream is to grow her business and sustain it. At the moment, she plans to increase her meal supply to meet her clients demands. In addition, she intends to renovate her family home. However, she is financially stressed and cannot carry out her plan.

Leivok is requesting a loan to pay for cooking ingredients and housing materials. The revenue obtained from her business will be used for household necessities and savings for the future. With this financing, she will be empowered to grow her business and secure a brighter future for her children.

Please kindly lend and support Leivok!

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