Hugo Alexander

Hugo Alexander

A loan of $875 helps to purchase seasonal fruits and vegetables such as watermelon, ripe bananas, plantains and mangoes.


Hugo Alexander

Hugo Alexander's story

Hugo Alexander is 26 years old. He is in a common law marriage. He has 1 son. He lives with his family in the town of El Progreso, the community of Cortes.

Hugo has been selling fruits and vegetables in his community's market for the last six years. In the past, he studied.

He is asking ODEF for a loan of 21,000.00 Lempiras to invest in the purchase of fruits and vegetables like watermelon, ripe bananas, plantains and mangoes.

This loan will help him to improve his sales since he will have a greater variety to satisfy his customers.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Maria Pelaez. View original language description.

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