Marvin Edgardo

Marvin Edgardo

A loan of $875 helps to buy supplies for the business including razors, shaving cream, hair gel, conditioner, etc.


Marvin Edgardo

Marvin Edgardo's story

Marvin Edgardo is 37 years old. He is in a common-law marriage and lives with his wife in the municipality of Azacualpa in the department of Santa Barbara.

For the past four years he has been a barber, operating out of his own home. He is requesting a loan from ODEF in the amount of 21,000.00 Lempiras to invest in the purchase of supplies for the business including razors, shaving cream, hair gel, conditioner, etc.

The loan will help him to have a greater selection and quality products for his customers. His goal is to have a better income and be able to help his wife.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Kristin Fisher. View original language description.

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