Kiva Loan Dedication

Mahugnon 4 Group


Mahugnon 4 is a group consisting of three persons, whose members are friends and are related. The representative for the group, Kanon Lydie (the one raising her hand on the photo), is 38 years old. Kanon Lydie did not attend school. She is married to a driver named Waliou. The couple has four children, some of whom attend school and three are dependents. Kanon Lydie lives with her ​​husband and her children. and shares all household expenses with her husband. To do this, Kanon Lydie has been selling rice at home for the past fifteen years. She gets her supplies from…

Mahugnon 4 is a group consisting of three persons, whose members are friends and are related. The representative for the group, Kanon Lydie (the one raising her hand on the photo), is 38 years old. Kanon Lydie did not attend school. She is married to a driver named Waliou. The couple has four children, some of whom attend school and three are dependents. Kanon Lydie lives with her ​​husband and her children. and shares all household expenses with her husband. To do this, Kanon Lydie has been selling rice at home for the past fifteen years. She gets her supplies from one of Benin's markets. To strengthen her business and meet with customer demand, Kanon Lydie and the other members of the Mahugnon 4 group are requesting a fifth loan from ALIDé. Previous loans have been correctly repaid.

To: anonymized

I chose this loan because... This used to be a very private dedication message

July 7, 2013
by Yves