Kiva Loan Dedication


Costa Rica
San Martín,Pejibaye
Costa Rica

Freddy is 21 years old, single, and lives with his parents and siblings who are his main priority in life. He plans to use his loan to buy bean seeds which have good characteristics and grow well in his area. He will also buy fertilizers - organic if possible - and other products to use on his crops, as well as paying workers to apply these products and tend his fields once things are growing This will ensure that a good job is done. Freddy plans to make the most of the good weather and soil conditions in his area to grow his crops. He will also put into practice…

Freddy is 21 years old, single, and lives with his parents and siblings who are his main priority in life. He plans to use his loan to buy bean seeds which have good characteristics and grow well in his area. He will also buy fertilizers - organic if possible - and other products to use on his crops, as well as paying workers to apply these products and tend his fields once things are growing This will ensure that a good job is done. Freddy plans to make the most of the good weather and soil conditions in his area to grow his crops. He will also put into practice the several years of experience which he has growing basic grains. He would like to be able to buy the best quality products he can so that his crops grow strong and healthy and he obtains a decent harvest and good short-term production. He will use the income he hopes to make from his harvest to provide for his family's well-being and education, as well as achieving some family goals and continuing to invest in his crops. This is the first loan that Freddy has received from FUDECOSUR. He has not received any previous loans from state banks. FUDECOSUR have given him this loan with better terms and a much lower interest rate.

To: anonymized

I chose this loan because... This used to be a very private dedication message

June 14, 2013
by anonymized

To: anonymized

I chose this loan because... This used to be a very private dedication message

June 14, 2013
by Reginald

To: Ron

I chose this loan because... Happy father's day lover. Our loan is helping a young man have a better life...

June 14, 2013
by Sharon