Kiva Loan Dedication



Patrick is 36 years old with four children living in Kyenjojo, Uganda. He has a retail business where he sells foods like sugar, salt, rice and drinks like soda, and beer. He has been operating it for 7 years along a busy street. He obtains additional income from alcohol brewing and processing. He started his business to take advantage of the increasing population in urban centers that need food and drinks to get more income for educating her children. His dream is to build a permanent house from the proceeds. Patrick is requesting a loan to buy salt, sugar, rice and beer…

Patrick is 36 years old with four children living in Kyenjojo, Uganda. He has a retail business where he sells foods like sugar, salt, rice and drinks like soda, and beer. He has been operating it for 7 years along a busy street. He obtains additional income from alcohol brewing and processing. He started his business to take advantage of the increasing population in urban centers that need food and drinks to get more income for educating her children. His dream is to build a permanent house from the proceeds. Patrick is requesting a loan to buy salt, sugar, rice and beer to sell.

To: VKA-N and KRN

April 26, 2013
by Donna and Fraser