Kiva Loan Dedication

Juan Carlos

La Paz

Juan Carlos is single and lives in a home of his own along with his brothers. The home is located in the Villa Armonia zone of La Paz. He currently works as a physical education teacher in two schools for a few hours and on weekends he works as a soccer referee because what little he earns goes to pay for his family's basic needs. He needs this loan to make repairs to his home and he wants to expand it in order to be more comfortable and secure and improve his quality of life. Juan Carlos' dream is to improve his income and build more homes for his family.…

Juan Carlos is single and lives in a home of his own along with his brothers. The home is located in the Villa Armonia zone of La Paz. He currently works as a physical education teacher in two schools for a few hours and on weekends he works as a soccer referee because what little he earns goes to pay for his family's basic needs. He needs this loan to make repairs to his home and he wants to expand it in order to be more comfortable and secure and improve his quality of life. Juan Carlos' dream is to improve his income and build more homes for his family. This will be his first loan through IMPRO and Kiva.

To: anonymized

I chose this loan because... This used to be a very private dedication message

April 28, 2013
by Robert