Kiva Loan Dedication



Emilly is a 36 year old married woman. She has 5 children with ages ranging from 10 years to 19 years. She describes herself as an innovative woman. She operates a hardware where she sells items such as fork jembes, shovels, slashers, machetes, etc. She has been involved in this business for 10 years. Her business is located at a busy market. She describes her biggest business challenge to be inadequate stock for selling. She will use the KES 20,000 loan to buy hardware items such as fork jembes, shovels, slashers, and machetes, etc. Her business goal is to expand her…

Emilly is a 36 year old married woman. She has 5 children with ages ranging from 10 years to 19 years. She describes herself as an innovative woman. She operates a hardware where she sells items such as fork jembes, shovels, slashers, machetes, etc. She has been involved in this business for 10 years. Her business is located at a busy market. She describes her biggest business challenge to be inadequate stock for selling. She will use the KES 20,000 loan to buy hardware items such as fork jembes, shovels, slashers, and machetes, etc. Her business goal is to expand her business within 5 years. This is her first loan with SMEP DTM.

To: anonymized

March 27, 2013
by anonymized