Kiva Loan Dedication

Abdul Hameed


Mr. Abdul Hameed is 48 years old. He runs a small shoe shop in the area of Lahore, Pakistan. This is the only source of income for his family. He is a responsible father of three children who all attend school. His wife is a responsible housewife. Mr. Abdul is an honest and hardworking person. Presently he is interested in purchasing more shoes for his shop in order to grow his business. Purchasing shoes also helps him to offer more variety to his clients and to increase his net income and savings as well. Therefore Mr. Adbul Hameed has requested for a loan from Kiva's…

Mr. Abdul Hameed is 48 years old. He runs a small shoe shop in the area of Lahore, Pakistan. This is the only source of income for his family. He is a responsible father of three children who all attend school. His wife is a responsible housewife. Mr. Abdul is an honest and hardworking person. Presently he is interested in purchasing more shoes for his shop in order to grow his business. Purchasing shoes also helps him to offer more variety to his clients and to increase his net income and savings as well. Therefore Mr. Adbul Hameed has requested for a loan from Kiva's partner BRAC Pakistan to purchase more variety for his shop. He is hopeful that the loan will be a productive one for his shoe shop and his family's future life. In the picture Mr. Abdul Hameed is standing in his shoe shop.

To: anonymized

I chose this loan because... This used to be a very private dedication message

March 1, 2013
by anonymized