Kiva Loan Dedication

Unión Y…


'Unión y Prosperidad' is a communal bank made up of friends and family members who have good relationships and bond more and more with every meeting. They are hard-working, kind, and friendly people with big hearts. They still maintain their culture and traditions. They work in various areas but the majority work in the fields in agriculture or raising animals. This allows them to improve their economic stability. They live in the Zhidmad parish in Cuenca, an area with great natural beauty. There one can enjoy harmony with nature thanks to the fields that are green with…

'Unión y Prosperidad' is a communal bank made up of friends and family members who have good relationships and bond more and more with every meeting. They are hard-working, kind, and friendly people with big hearts. They still maintain their culture and traditions. They work in various areas but the majority work in the fields in agriculture or raising animals. This allows them to improve their economic stability. They live in the Zhidmad parish in Cuenca, an area with great natural beauty. There one can enjoy harmony with nature thanks to the fields that are green with vegetation. One of the group members is Señora Silvia María. She is 53, married, and has five children. Three of her children are married and live independently. Her two single children work and help her economically. Her husband works as a sawyer (he cuts trees for making boards). They own their own home. Silvia María cares for their home and works in agriculture. She raises sheep, hens, and cattle. She sells her cows' milk. She sells her other animals when she has need. She also farms for her household's consumption, and if they have anything left over she sells it. She will invest this new loan in the purchase of livestock. Her goal is to have more animals to raise. The small inserted photo is of two members who were not able to be present when the group photo was taken.

To: noah david ross

February 11, 2013
by terry (MOM)