Kiva Loan Dedication

Joavher's Group


One member of Joavher's Group is Joavher. She is 35 years old. She is a married Iraqi woman with four children. With limited career options due to cultural restrictions and domestic constraints, Joavher is one of the many Iraqi women who are working from home, using their sewing skills to generate some income and participate in meeting the financial needs of their families. Joavher has seven years' experience with the sewing and tailoring business. To be able to provide her customers with a greater variety of creative quality products, she would like to buy an overlock…

One member of Joavher's Group is Joavher. She is 35 years old. She is a married Iraqi woman with four children. With limited career options due to cultural restrictions and domestic constraints, Joavher is one of the many Iraqi women who are working from home, using their sewing skills to generate some income and participate in meeting the financial needs of their families. Joavher has seven years' experience with the sewing and tailoring business. To be able to provide her customers with a greater variety of creative quality products, she would like to buy an overlock sewing machine. To be able to make the purchase, she is taking a loan from Relief International Microfinance Iraq. Relief International Microfinance Iraq offers "group loans" for clients unable to provide a guarantor and, therefore, unable to apply for a loan as an individual. As a group, the members collectively guarantee the loan. Groups consist of 3 to 5 clients and each client is evaluated on his or her repayment capacity. All group members receive the same loan amount as the individual with the lowest repayment capacity in the group. Based on the political and social challenges of lending in Iraq, personally identifiable information about this borrower has been altered for their protection. Relief International Microfinance Iraq appreciates Kiva lenders' consideration of these challenges and encourages lenders to continue their support for Iraqi borrowers.

To: Kenny Johnson

I chose this loan because... I sew because it's fun. These brave women sew because they need to provide for their families. They deserve our support! Merry Christmas, Kenny!

December 16, 2012
by Susan