Kiva Loan Dedication



Hanan is 34 years old, married, and has five children. Her husband is a worker across the border earning a low salary, which is not enough to cover the family's needs. For the past 10 years, Hanan's husband has also had a small grocery store, selling different types of groceries. It has been a profitable business and a second source of income for the family. The store presently needs more support to cover costs. Hanan is requesting a loan from FATEN, which she will use to help her husband cover the costs of purchasing needed stock of basic groceries that customers…

Hanan is 34 years old, married, and has five children. Her husband is a worker across the border earning a low salary, which is not enough to cover the family's needs. For the past 10 years, Hanan's husband has also had a small grocery store, selling different types of groceries. It has been a profitable business and a second source of income for the family. The store presently needs more support to cover costs. Hanan is requesting a loan from FATEN, which she will use to help her husband cover the costs of purchasing needed stock of basic groceries that customers often request such as rice, dairy products, and canned food. This will increase sales and increase the family's income so they will have improved living conditions.

To: anonymized

I chose this loan because... This used to be a very private dedication message

November 15, 2012
by Mike