Kiva Loan Dedication

Jorge Alonso

El Salvador
El Salvador

Jorge makes a living growing corn. He is 22 years old and is married. He and his wife do not have any children. He currently has crops of corn, which he tends to Monday through Saturday. He learned this type of work from his father and has been dedicated to this work for seven years. He is currently planting a new crop, which is why he has requested a loan, to cover the costs of fertilizer, the preparation of the land and seeds. This will allow him to increase his business and have more opportunity to gain profit. Jorge's goals are to strengthen his crops and provide a…

Jorge makes a living growing corn. He is 22 years old and is married. He and his wife do not have any children. He currently has crops of corn, which he tends to Monday through Saturday. He learned this type of work from his father and has been dedicated to this work for seven years. He is currently planting a new crop, which is why he has requested a loan, to cover the costs of fertilizer, the preparation of the land and seeds. This will allow him to increase his business and have more opportunity to gain profit. Jorge's goals are to strengthen his crops and provide a better quality of life to his wife.

To: anonymized

November 29, 2012
by Jan Parker