Kiva Loan Dedication



Vagif is 46 years old, married and has two daughters. He is very smart and has a good sense of humor. He raises seasonal fruits and vegetables in his garden and sells them. His monthly income is 300 AZN and his brother helps him to raise and sell the crops. Raising crops has been his life's project for the last seven years. This business brings him a stable income and is his sole financial source. Vagif says that drastic climate year to year has meant especially hot summers and cold winters. Summer temperatures reach 105 degrees Fahrenheit. The main problem in the…

Vagif is 46 years old, married and has two daughters. He is very smart and has a good sense of humor. He raises seasonal fruits and vegetables in his garden and sells them. His monthly income is 300 AZN and his brother helps him to raise and sell the crops. Raising crops has been his life's project for the last seven years. This business brings him a stable income and is his sole financial source. Vagif says that drastic climate year to year has meant especially hot summers and cold winters. Summer temperatures reach 105 degrees Fahrenheit. The main problem in the region is adequate water for irrigation and for animals. Vagif is not able to build a water channel for his crops on his own. This is quite an expensive process which requires labor and special equipment. When he heard about water loans, he was extremely excited and applied for a 2000 AZN loan. He will use this loan to pay for special equipment to rent like a tractor for making the water channel and for workers who will dig the land. He is a trustworthy client of AqroInvest and he paid off his two previous loans.

To: Lev Plaves

I chose this loan because... Lev inspires me with the depth of his work and passion

November 17, 2012
by Kitsy schoen