Kiva Loan Dedication



Tsiala is from the village of Dighomi. She is 55 years old and lives with her husband and two children. Her son works as a security guard and her daughter is a kindergarten teacher. Both of them receive a monthly salary. The family is involved in an agricultural business. In particular, they run a small dairy farm with a milk cow and produce yogurt, which is sold at the local supermarkets. In addition, they have 60 sheep and Tsiala’s husband shepherds them to the mountains to increase their productivity. The family sells lambs and sheep periodically. In addition, Tsiala…

Tsiala is from the village of Dighomi. She is 55 years old and lives with her husband and two children. Her son works as a security guard and her daughter is a kindergarten teacher. Both of them receive a monthly salary. The family is involved in an agricultural business. In particular, they run a small dairy farm with a milk cow and produce yogurt, which is sold at the local supermarkets. In addition, they have 60 sheep and Tsiala’s husband shepherds them to the mountains to increase their productivity. The family sells lambs and sheep periodically. In addition, Tsiala has a large greenhouse and sows beet greens during the winter season and cucumbers in the summer. She does all relevant agricultural work to ensure a good harvest. With the requested loan, Tsiala will purchase wood to heat the greenhouse during the winter season. After the wood is purchased, Tsiala will be able to protect her plants during cold weather and get a good harvest. She will sell more beet greens and this will increase the family's income. The profit will be reinvested in the family's agricultural activities. Tsiala hopes for your help and kindness.

To: anonymized

I chose this loan because... This used to be a very private dedication message

October 20, 2012
by Sandy